Tuesday, November 1, 2011


The ratings in my opinion are pretty helpful and do a favor for millions of American parents. The ratings are basically a label to describe the level of mature content that will be seen in the desired film. By having them, parents know what to expect and whether to even bring their child to the film in the first place. The ratings are as followed: G, is for the youngest audience because it has the least graphic material and no profanity. PG, has minor profanity and barely any graphic content. PG-13, has graphic content and profanity is most often included. R, definitely has graphic material that would be unacceptable to show a younger child as well as a lot of profanity. But, the one that gets all the controversy would be the rating of NC-17. Which entails the highest level of mature content, the most profanity and pretty much an overall graphic film.

But what makes the difference between a film being R and one that is NC-17. From what I have learned, anything that exposes the human “parts” or sex that is viewable below the waist. When it comes to violent acts or how many times you say F*@#, it really doesn’t matter. What it all comes down to is how much your showing in the terms of sexual content. I feel like however, the ratings are pretty good about separating just the common graphic movies from the ones that are just way, way, way to graphic! Otherwise, then some of the movies you would see with your teenager kids could almost be as graphic as a porno; talk about awkward family moments. But seriously, ratings are here to help and guide the viewer before they take the step in buying the ticket and taking a seat. In conclusion, I think the ratings are acceptable and should not be changed.

1 comment:

  1. So what is your take then on the violence vs. sex issue between NC-17 and R?
