Saturday, November 12, 2011

Art Experience 5

I went to the Cornell Fine Arts Museum to see the new exhibits. There was a section of nudes. Now the work as a whole show seemed really well done but when just checked out individually there seemed to be a lot of stuff lacking. While some of the caricature seemed very well done other pieces seemed shoddy or rushed. Many of the pieces involving animals had this quality.

The pieces I really enjoyed were the faculty piece. There was a wooden landscape installed on on off the walls that had me completely enthralled. The texture, the rises and falls of the wood all seemed so interesting. I viewed the piece from multiple angles just to see what I could discover. Each angle created a new sense of the piece and I loved that.

Another faculty piece that I saw took Park Ave and the people on it and had it represented by color coded boxes. This piece was interesting. It was a very dehumanizing art piece which made it very poignant.

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