Wednesday, August 31, 2011

The Book of Mormon

The subject matter mentioned in the musical could definitely be a sensitive topic for many. However, this does not necessarily mean it is inappropriate. The Book of Mormon is a collaboration with the creator’s of the television show South Park, that being said the subject matter presented should not surprise the audience. One may think that the musical solely ridicules Mormonism, however this is not the case as many other topics are revealed and humor is used to lighten the seriousness of the issue. Stereotypes of Mormons can be seen, but surprisingly a depiction of Uganda being a third world country is satirized. In the song “Hasa Diga Eebowai”, they allude to the topic of AIDS and genital mutations, which are serious issues but act as a way of diverting attention from the theme of religion. The song “Turn it off” refers to major stereotypes of Mormons and show how they are trained to think and can be naïve, the accuracy is controversial but the comedy is apparent.

In today’s society, The Book of Mormon is acceptable and insightful and does not go too far, this is so as society for the most part is already aware of this subject matter. This musical shows that religion does not necessarily have to be an issue that is handled with care. Although the ridicule may appear offensive, the audience is actually educated on Mormonism in a captivating way, by means of comedic relief.

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