1. When the French guy with the outrageous accent comes and tells them that they are all wrong with the concept — is it problematic? After all, they are artists. Can you tell an artist what to do? Doesn’t that contradict the nature of art?
I do not believe that this is problematic. He can tell the artists what to do because they are asking for something specific. They want the artists to make a piece of art that is about movement. They are like the people who commission a piece of art. They say they want a piece of art but give the artist guidelines. I don't believe that this contradicts the nature of art because it is still the artist ideas, they have just been told what to make. It I came up with the idea for the Mona Lisa then told Leonardo de Vinci to paint it, I don't believe that telling him what to paint would discredit the merit of the painting being considered a work of art.
2. Are these folks artists or are they merely television performers?
I believe that these people are artists that have a TV crew following them. To me people on reality TV shows are not performers. I think of a TV performer as a person who preforms lines and emotions. Reality stars don't do either of these things. They simply have cameras crews following them around, like a documentary. What you see is these peoples real emotions and words, there is no acting or talent involved in being a reality star.
3. Can you really create art when you are given only a day to make it? Shouldn’t art take time? Does art ever work on such a short deadline?
I think it does and it doesn't matter how long art takes, it takes time to put thought and meaning into a piece of art. It could take years for you to create art or just a couple of hours. I believe that the time it took you to create your art determines how good it can be. It takes time to create little details and get everything just right. I believe that these people are creating art, it just might not be the best art that they could make. If they were given more time they would be able to perfect their pieces of art and add more details than they could in just a day. The time doesn't discredit the value of their art, it just limits how good and how much though goes into making it. For example the guy who made the Japanese flag would have been able to create his art better if he had more time. He had a good concept but with limited time his execution wasn't as good as it could have been.
Your comments in number 3 are quite good. You are right. You can buy sketches made by artists of larger works they plan to make. Are the sketches themselves art? Well, they are of the item to be finished, so it's an earlier version, perhaps unfinished but still art in its own right.