I went into this showing not knowing anything about it. While I had heard it was “incredible” yet “disturbing” by many I didn’t really think that it would be that bad because, hello, the name was “The Pillowman” nothing too scary about that. While I would have gone to the show regardless, I was required to go with my RCC because one of our classmates was starring as Michael. I thought the set was minimal and was interested to see how it would come into play but while watching, I thought they did they best with what they were given. Once Brian Hatch came out and sat at the table and did his tapping and groping I was a little off put and wary of what the rest of the show would be like. Even when the cops originally came out I was lukewarm towards it because I thought Brian was over acting and they were hard to understand. However, once the story actually got underway everything else disappeared and it was as if the story was actually occurring before my eyes. Overall I was extremely impressed with Brian and Matt’s performances and while the casting of the two police officers were not my favorite, I still enjoyed the dialogue and story telling. It is a story that will continue to be in my mind long after it leaves the stage, in fact, I wish it had been on for longer so I could have seen it again.
You are right about the sound. The acoustics in the space are not good. And when the actors turn to yelling as their character motivation for anger, it really gets difficult to hear.