As seen in yesterdays class, broadway musicals are changing from the classics they used be. In recent productions I feel as if each show is trying to out-scandal the other. From near death experiences during live shows like Spiderman, to risky scripts like the one in "The Book of Mormon". To some, like me, the script may be found as funny or creative, but to others it could be portrayed as disrespectful and rude.
"The Book of Mormon", took a good idea and put a funny twist on it. From the creators of the television show South Park, I believe everyone knew that the broadway production was going to be nothing like the others. I believe that this play took broadway, revamped it, and made it more appealing to the younger generations. From the catchy songs they created, to the conversations on stage between characters. Its these additions to broadway plays that help them become noticed and popular among critics.
The interesting thing about "The Book of Mormon", is that the music they came up with can be found so offensive yet the viewers cant seem to stop singing along because its so catchy! For example one song that is sang in the musical is, Hasa Diga Eebowai, which translates to, fuck you god. Not exactly something you want to be singing about, but yet you cant stop yourself. Its because of all these interesting quirks that "The Book of Mormon" has that has made it become one very successful broadway musical.
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